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可以玩的18款禁用游戏手游-On this day in history, August 6, 1911, TV sitcom star Lucille Ball is born

时间:2024-09-20 10:40:14 来源:萍水相逢网 作者:手游 阅读:422次
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close ‘I Love Lucy’ star Keith Thibodeaux recalls playing ‘Little Ricky,’ working alongside Lucille Ball, Desi ArnazVideo

‘I Love Lucy’ star Keith Thibodeaux recalls playing ‘Little Ricky,’ working alongside Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz

‘I Love Lucy’ star Keith Thibodeaux recalls playing ‘Little Ricky,’ working alongside Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz. The former child star is participating in Reelz’s ‘Lucille Ball: We Love Lucy’

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One of America’s most beloved redheads, Lucille Ball, the adored comic actress, was born on this day in history, Aug. 6, 1911, in Jamestown, New York, as Biography.com and other sources have noted.


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